October, 5, 2020. EBARA CORPORATION (EBARA) supports SEC 2020, The 18th Japan Science & Engineering Challenge, and endorses JSEC’s* goals of improving the level of science and technology in Japan. JSEC also supports young people who develop ideas on their own, identify and solve problems, and make further efforts.
1. Background and purpose
JSEC is a competition for independent scientific technology and mathematics research that was started by The Asahi Shimbun Company in 2003. The goal is to improve the level of science and technology in Japan by promoting science and mathematics education. Winners will be given an opportunity to participate in the International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the international science competition for pre-college students around the world.
EBARA practices ESG-focused management as determined in our long-term vision E-Vision 2030. We have continuously supported JSEC and have presented the EBARA Award since 2018 that benefits the global talent development systems and supports the next generation as one of its CSR activities.
2. Outline
(1) Requirements for entry: An individual or a group of up to three people belonging to a high school or technical college (up to their third year) or a secondary school (fourth to sixth year) in Japan
(2) Research theme: Ambitious research not limited to scientific research, such as field studies or experiment reports from a unique viewpoint, prototypes of experimental apparatuses, and product development
(3) Application period: Tuesday, September 15, 2020 to Tuesday, October 13
(4) Award: EBARA Award (a certificate of merit and a 100,000 yen grant for research)
3. Future developments
(1) Preliminary screening: Mid to late October
(2) Primary examination: Middle of November
(3) Final examination: Saturday, December 12 and Sunday, December 13 Examination of online presentation
(4) Award ceremony: Sunday, December 13; to be held online after the final examination
For more details, please visit the website.
EBARA Group aims to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through tackling ESG material issues based on our Long-term vision and Mid-term management plan, is working on further improving our corporate value.